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CBD is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid that is found in the hemp plant. That means it does not cause the high feeling that is associated with cannabis. Many patients have reported an alert effect after using CBD. As such, it’s important to be careful not to use it in high amounts when nearing bedtime.

Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, on the other hand, is a psychotropic cannabinoid. That means it is responsible for the high feeling that is associated with cannabis. When ingested, THC stimulates the brain, leading to dopamine release. Once released, dopamine creates a sense of wellbeing and euphoria. It also creates a relaxed feeling in the user.

CBD graduates THC effects while reducing its side effects that are associated with psychosis. This gives the user a more pleasant experience while enhancing relaxation. For instance, when CBD and THC are used together, they enable the user to sleep better unlike when they use prescription drugs.


Studies have shown that CBD has numerous therapeutic benefits just like THC. CBD may help with the chronic pain that is caused by muscle convulsions, inflammation, and muscle spasticity. This pain is commonly experienced by people that suffer from epilepsy, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. Additionally, CBD has been proven effective in helping people that suffer from anxiety.

A recent study by Temple University revealed that CBD can be used as a strong preventative medication for chemotherapy-induced neuropathy. This is a side effect that is caused by some chemotherapy drugs.

Many scientists know CBD for its ability to counterbalance tachycardia or rapid heartbeat, anxiety, sedation, and hunger that are caused by THC as well as its effective control of epilepsy. Studies have also suggested that CBD can be used to address conditions that are difficult to manage including rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cancer, anti-biotic resistant infections, neurological disorders, and alcoholism.

Research has shown that CBD has strong anti-convulsant, anxiolytic, anti-emetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-psychotic, and anti-depressant properties. The most exciting properties of CBD are its anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and anti-oxidant properties. That’s because when these properties are combined, they enable it to potentially relieve Parkinson’s severe condition, Alzheimer’s severe condition, and neurodegenerative-related severe conditions. Studies have also shown that CBD helps in the regulation of blood pressure. It is also cytotoxic to some cancer cells such as cells that cause breast cancer and it helps in the protection of healthy cells.


Studies have shown that CBD and THC have a synergistic effect. That means when a person has both in the body at therapeutic levels, their effects are more than when each is used alone. For instance, when CBD and THC are present in the body, the THC-therapy effect is prolonged by the inhibition of the breakdown of THC by the liver. Thus, CBD inhibits the breakdown of THC by the liver enabling THC effects to persist longer. When CBD’s applicable amounts of more than 4% are ingested with THC, CBD reduces psycho activity that is normally experienced by many patients due to THC.

Currently, studies are being conducted at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and they are showing that when both CBD and THC are injected into the brain and breast tumors, they can eliminate them completely within 30 days.

The Entourage Effect

When CBD and THC are used together, they create the entourage effect. That means they play off each other while improving the desirable effects of each. For instance, studies have shown that using both CBD and THC improves the therapeutic aid of multiple ailments such as cancer. More implications of both CBD and THC have shown that the two cannabinoids work better when used together as medicine.

Today, the entourage effect of THC and CBD has significant and real implications for people that want to use the cannabinoids as medicine. That’s because using THC alone induces paranoid and uncomfortable effects when a person feels high. But, when THC is used together with CBD, CBD regulates THC effects. Thus, it protects the brain against the adverse effects of THC. Nevertheless, you must find the right ratio of THC/CBD to benefit from their entourage effect.

How CBD and THC Work

THC and CBD have many benefits to the human body due to the fact that they are active pharmacological compounds that mimic the natural endocannabinoids that are produced by the body. These endocannabinoids maintain a critical balance in the biological functions such as appetite, the immune system, sleep, and pain among others. When this balance is disrupted, the body gets into a stressed state. Endocannabinoids move in to fix this problem. CBD and THC mimic the natural endocannabinoids. Therefore, they are effective in enabling the body to manage a crisis while restoring balance after trauma if the natural endocannabinoids can’t restore it alone. THC and CBD work with the endocannabinoid system to control inflammation, pain, and many other conditions.

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